Leading Through Engagement

January 28, 2022
3Ps People Process Performance

Happy new year, everyone! This time of year is always a good opportunity to reset, assess, and chart a vision for the future. After a month in my new role as OCSE Commissioner, I’m starting to settle in and engage in this important process.

Part of this process is meeting staff and stakeholders at all levels, and I want to thank everyone so much for the warm welcome. I look forward to working with you to support children, families, individuals, and communities, especially as many continue to struggle during the pandemic. In FY 2020, the child support program collected $34.9 billion (PDF) and 95% went to families. This support was—and continues to be—a critical lifeline for families during the public health emergency. I applaud child support professionals nationwide who work every day to make our program so successful.

We must also continue our long tradition of developing innovative solutions that support families. I’m excited to join you in this endeavor and leverage my 27 years of child support and leadership experience in human services, including as deputy commissioner and IV-D director for the great state of Georgia. You’ll hear me often talk about engagement through my three Ps: People, Process, and Performance. Here is what those pillars mean to me:

  • People: We must always prioritize the people we serve in our efforts to promote their economic and social well-being. It’s also important to cultivate good working relationships with our colleagues to successfully collaborate and advance our mission.
  • Process: We should be open to revisiting and streamlining processes to ensure we are working efficiently and effectively.
  • Performance: We should make data-driven decisions that support people and reflect progress or opportunities for improvement.

I hope this helped you learn a little about my communication and leadership styles and how I work. I will continue to share important updates with you directly through this blog. You can make sure other child support professionals and stakeholders stay up-to-date, too, by encouraging them to sign up for the Commissioner's Voice blog.

I look forward to engaging with you to set goals, gather ideas, share innovations, communicate openly, and move the child support program forward. Here’s to a great 2022 and beyond!

Tanguler Gray, commissioner of the Office of Child Support Enforcement

Tanguler Gray, Commissioner

This blog gives the commissioner a forum to communicate directly with child support professionals and other stakeholders about relevant topics. The Commissioner’s Voice is reprinted from the January 2022 Child Support Report newsletter.


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