Each August, OCSE and child support programs nationwide celebrate Child Support Awareness Month to promote one of the nation’s most critical income support programs. This year, we created a Child Support Awareness Month webpage with a social media toolkit to help state and tribal programs with their online outreach. The public can use the toolkit to raise awareness, too! The page has sample text and graphics that you can copy and paste or modify as needed. It even has virtual backgrounds so that you can raise awareness about child support during online meetings.
The social media toolkit includes posts about:
- National and tribal infographics
- Services provided by the child support program
- How child support works (videos in English and Spanish)
- Signing up for child support (English and Spanish)
- Changing a child support order (English and Spanish)
We hope you’ll use these messages and the hashtag #Support4Families to help people understand how child support services work and encourage them to learn more from their local office.
Engagement through performance
As we promote child support during August, I’d like us to think about this engagement through one of my 3Ps—Performance. I believe we should always make data-driven decisions that support people and reflect progress or opportunities for improvement. To do this, it’s good to have a snapshot of where we are. OCSE recently published national (PDF) and tribal (PDF) infographics to help you tell the story of the great work we do. I hope you’ll share this information with governing bodies, local media, website visitors, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders.
I want to thank the child support professionals who work hard every day to make the program successful. I look forward to building upon this impressive performance to continue helping children and families.

Tanguler Gray, Commissioner
This blog gives the commissioner a forum to communicate directly with child support professionals and other stakeholders about relevant topics. The Commissioner’s Voice is reprinted from the August 2022 Child Support Report newsletter.