Refugees seeking employment in the United States can face many difficulties ranging from understanding hiring processes, to needing new certifications and credentials, to discrimination. The following resources provide information on how to address these difficulties.
Recertification/Re-credentialing of Refugee Professionals
Recertification or re-credentialing will allow internationally trained refugee professionals to return to their career of interest upon resettling in the U.S. However, becoming recertified in a regulated occupation requires significant financial, emotional, and time commitment.
Department of Labor Fact Sheets
This page provides links to programs and resources from the Department of Labor.
Older Workers/Disability Unit - Overview
The Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) Disabilities Team in the Older Workers/Disabilities Unit develops and implements workforce disability policy and program initiatives to address structural, programmatic, and systemic employment barriers for people with disabilities.
Models of Collaboration Between Workforce Investment and Refugee Resettlement Stakeholders - October 22, 2014 (PDF)
Webinar Recording
| Transcript (PDF)
In October 2014, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) presented a webinar featuring each of the organizations featured in the “Models of Collaboration between Workforce Investment and Refugee Resettlement Stakeholders” report. Published by ORR with input from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, the report highlights three models of collaboration to support refugees in finding employment. Each model contains elements that could be replicated in any number of settings throughout the country. The Webinar featured the following programs:
- International Institute of St. Louis;
- Utah Department of Workforce Services; and
- Sacramento Employment and Training Agency.
Representatives from each organization participated in a discussion highlighting how they help refugees find employment and work towards self-sufficiency.
Preparing Refugees for Employment: The ABC's of Understanding the American Workplace — Resources, Tools, and Programs - September 16, 2014
Webinar Recording
On Tuesday, September 16th, the Office of Refugee Resettlement hosted the "Preparing Refugees for Employment: The ABC's of Understanding the American Workplace — Resources, Tools, and Programs" Webinar. Speakers provided multiple strategies to refugee agencies and programs that support refugees that are navigating and accessing employment and career pathway opportunities. Presenters outlined their program initiatives, how they collaborate across agencies and organizations to best support refugees that are navigating employment/career pathway opportunities, as well as how they work with employers and communities in welcoming refugees. Presenters included:
- Katherine Dachtler, Grand Forks sub-office Resettlement Coordinator, Lutheran Social Services New Americans
- Tara Wolfson, Employment and Training Program Manager, Idaho Office for Refugees
- Lisa Cooper, Co-founder and Consultant, Global Talent Idaho
- Toni Richardson, Employment Specialist, International Rescue Committee
Understanding Labor Market Information — For Agencies/Programs Serving Refugees - July 10, 2014 (PDF)
Webinar Recording
The Office of Refugee Resettlement hosted a webinar called "Understanding Labor Market Information — For Agencies/Programs Serving Refugees" on Thursday, July 10, 2014. There is a wealth of publicly available labor market information and data that refugee agencies and programs can strategically use to enhance the employment and career pathway opportunities for refugees. However, many agencies and programs may not be aware of the labor market navigation and information resources available in their states or local areas. This webinar discussed how to navigate these resources, and how agencies and program staff that serve refugees can help their clients better understand the education and employment resources available to them.
Supporting Workplace Success for Refugees: How Workforce Agencies Can Collaborate with Refugee Programs - June 12, 2014 (PDF)
The Office of Refugee Resettlement hosted the "Supporting Workplace Success for Refugees: How Workforce Agencies Can Collaborate with Refugee Programs" webinar on Thursday, June 12. Every year, the United States welcomes more refugees than any other country in the world. These refugees typically have a strong work ethic and sense of loyalty that employers find valuable. However, connecting refugees and employers often requires multiple service providers to work together. This webinar highlighted opportunities for workforce agencies, refugee programs, and refugees themselves to collaborate on strong employment outcomes.