The Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project conducted 15 randomized controlled trials of behavioral interventions across eight states, in the domains of work support, child support, and child care. BIAS used a systematic approach called “behavioral diagnosis and design” to develop the interventions and their associated materials. This process involved identifying problems that were appropriate for behavioral interventions, diagnosing the underlying behavioral reasons for each problem, designing interventions, and conducting rigorous tests to determine whether the interventions improved outcomes. The Behavioral Interventions Materials Compendium contains all of the written materials that the project designed and tested as part of those interventions.
The compendium is arranged by program area domain, site/agency, and type of intervention. Each section begins with a one-page summary of the particular intervention that was implemented, followed by a list of the printed materials for that intervention and copies of the materials themselves.
In bringing together the materials from all of the different BIAS tests, the purpose of the Behavioral Interventions Materials Compendium is to assist practitioners and program designers in developing future behavioral interventions and in crafting written materials that are informed by behavioral science. These materials illustrate how specific behavioral concepts were operationalized in different settings and formats, such as mail, text messages, and email. In addition, this compendium is intended to spark future innovative interventions and help scale behavioral interventions where evidence has already been built.
Anzelone, Caitlin, Nadine Dechausay, and Xavier Alemany (eds). (2017). Behavioral Intervention Materials Compendium. OPRE Report 2018-08. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.