Current as of:
Eligibility for ORR Benefits & Services
Fact Sheets on ORR Eligibility for Selected Populations
- Asylees (PDF)
- Cuban & Haitian Entrants (PDF)
- Refugees (PDF)
- Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Holders (PDF)
- Survivors of Torture (PDF)
- Victims of Trafficking (PDF)
For additional information on these and other populations that may be eligible for ORR benefits and services, see ORR Policy Letters 16-01, 22-01 (PDF), 22-02 (PDF), and 22-13 (PDF).
ORR Benefits & Services
View these fact sheets for benefits and services information. Multiple languages are available.
Afghan Humanitarian Parolees
Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Holders or SQ/SI Parolees
Afghan Youth in the U.S. Living with Non-Parental Caregivers
Cuban/Haitian Entrants
- English (PDF — 188.71 KB)
- French (PDF — 218.80 KB)
- Haitian Creole (PDF — 209.47 KB)
- Portuguese (PDF — 279.16 KB)
- Spanish (PDF — 216.04 KB)
Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees
Victims of Human Trafficking
Longer-Term Resettlement Services
- English | Dari | Pashto (PDF — 188.02 KB)