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The ANA Reflection Report provides a review of activities in 2023 including special priorities, published reports, and ANA Commissioner engagements. 

This is a resource that will describe how the Administration for Native Americans worked with the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation to improve Notice of Funding Opportunities.

This resource guide is a consolidation of opportunities offered by federal agencies for organizations looking for funding and other resources to support Native arts and culture activities.

The Post Award Manual accompanies the ANA Post Award Training and details the grant recipient requirements for the life of the grant.  This manual details grant reporting, modifications and includes helpful information on managing your ANA grant.

ANA ARP Award Recipient Map

ANA's new FY 2021 awards

November 3, 2021

ANA's new FY 2021 awards

This page contains the newest versions of our Pre-application Manual and Application Toolkit which will help guide you through the application writing process. Both the Manual and the Toolkit will help align your application with the NOFO Project Narrative and Merit Review Criteria. You will also find helpful exercises and example templates to aid in the writing process.  

This resource outlines the Program areas of interest for the SEDS Alaska Funding Opportunity.

Veterans Day fast facts.

FY 2020 Active Grants in the Native Asset Building Initiative