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This Human Trafficking Awareness webinar will offer projects on the development of anti-trafficking strategies, policies, and programs to prevent human trafficking, build health and human service capacity to respond to human trafficking, increase victim identification and access to services, and strengthen health and well-being outcomes of survivors of human trafficking.

Webinar: Food for Thought

Eating your way to mental health
June 19, 2018

Diagnosable mental illness affects over 21% of the American Indian/Alaska Native population (SAMHSA). And while there is a general decline in rates of violence and drug abuse, rates of suicide, marijuana use and depression diagnosis are on the rise. Many factors play a role in mental illness, and in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we'll be exploring just one: Food.

Healthy choices in food, improved food security and increased subsistence farming may play a role in improving mental health. In this webinar, Jacqueline Gray PhD, Director of the Seven Generations Center of Excellence in Native Behavioral Health, and ANA Grantee, Ndee Bikiyaa (The People's Farm), will be exploring the ways in which you and your community can eat your way to mental health.

The key to a well-developed project as well as a competitive grant application is to have a firm foundation in community-based planning. Community planning and preparedness will enable you to easily move forward on projects and funding opportunities that align with your community's long-term goals.

You can view the webinar on ACF's YouTube channel.

Esther Martinez Initiative: Preserving the Heart of our Cultures

Celebrating 10 Years of the Esther Martinez Native American Languages Preservation Act
March 12, 2018

This briefing gives an overview of data and lessons learned from the Esther Martinez Immersion program, covering 2008-2017.


In 2017, several ANA grantees collaborated with our Training and Technical Assistance providers to tell the story of their Esther Martinez Initiative projects. These videos show the impact the Native language programs have had on participants and the larger community.

The project planning and development training manual is designed to provide ANA applicants with skills to plan successful community development projects.

This 2015 Administration for Native Americans Pacific Region project compendium is the first look back at ANA grants and other resources to support native communities in the Pacific islands.

In this compendium (PDF), we share ANA language project reports organized by state from 2010-2012 as a way to demonstrate the breadth and diversity of language activities funded under our Native Languages program area.

Preparing Native Language Teachers - ANA Webinar

Strategies for Success
February 28, 2014

Successful grantees from the Office of English Language Acquisition at the Department of Education and ANA share stories about their efforts to train the next generation of Native American language teachers. 

Watch a recording of the webinar.

The advice in this best-practice brief comes from ANA Environmental Regulatory Enhancement grantees as they reflected on project successes.