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The HHS Administration for Native Americans' (ANA) funding is unique in that it is community-based and open to all not just Federally recognized tribes, but also state-recognized tribes, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, Native Non-Profit Organizations, and Urban Indian organizations.

This video gives an overview of these opportunities, including what types of funding ANA offers and the first steps in how to apply.

Opportunity Zones were created under the Tax Cuts and Job Acts of 2017 as a tool to spur economic development and job creation in eligible low-income areas which have difficulty attracting new businesses and jobs. What does this mean for Native Communities? This webinar will walk through the fundamentals of Opportunity Zones, and how the designated communities can be better equipped to work with legal and tax professionals to harness the tax benefits of creating or expanding Native businesses in such areas.

This resource outlines the Program areas of interest for the SEDS Alaska Funding Opportunity.

This list containts some sample program areas of interest for the ANA Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).

This Human Trafficking Awareness webinar will offer projects on the development of anti-trafficking strategies, policies, and programs to prevent human trafficking, build health and human service capacity to respond to human trafficking, increase victim identification and access to services, and strengthen health and well-being outcomes of survivors of human trafficking.

Technical Assistance staff and ANA Division of Program Operations Director, Mia Strickland, present the 2019 FOAs. Listen in to learn about how the FOAs have changed from last year, and to review ANA's application requirements.

This presentation begins with the definition of immersion and then walks through the different techniques including Total Physical Response (TPR), TPR Storytelling, example lesson plans, and the teaching differences between child and adult immersion.

View the webinar here .

Webinar: Food for Thought

Eating your way to mental health
June 19, 2018

Diagnosable mental illness affects over 21% of the American Indian/Alaska Native population (SAMHSA). And while there is a general decline in rates of violence and drug abuse, rates of suicide, marijuana use and depression diagnosis are on the rise. Many factors play a role in mental illness, and in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we'll be exploring just one: Food.

Healthy choices in food, improved food security and increased subsistence farming may play a role in improving mental health. In this webinar, Jacqueline Gray PhD, Director of the Seven Generations Center of Excellence in Native Behavioral Health, and ANA Grantee, Ndee Bikiyaa (The People's Farm), will be exploring the ways in which you and your community can eat your way to mental health.

The key to a well-developed project as well as a competitive grant application is to have a firm foundation in community-based planning. Community planning and preparedness will enable you to easily move forward on projects and funding opportunities that align with your community's long-term goals.

You can view the webinar on ACF's YouTube channel.

ANA conducts project-end outcome evaluations that address two main questions: (1) to what extent did the project meet its established objectives and (2) how does the grantee describe the impact of its project on those intended to benefit within its community? This report addresses these questions for projects ending in 2013.