Building Community, Building Hope: A Community-Based Approach to Preventing Child Abuse

April 3, 2017
Young child with dirty face

At the Children's Bureau's Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN), we know that communities have the power to solve the problem of child maltreatment. That's why our theme for National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) is "Building Community, Building Hope." To support service providers and communities in their efforts to prevent child abuse and promote well-being, we’ve developed several resources, including a film series and a resource guide.

OCAN funded a series of films showcasing four innovative programs working to prevent and respond to child maltreatment. These programs help parents and communities work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all children and families. These films can start conversations about what we, as a society, can and should do to ensure children achieve their full potential while being free from abuse and neglect and in safe and nurturing homes.

Building Community, Building Hope: 2016/2017 Prevention Resource Guide was developed by the Children's Bureau (including OCAN), the FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention, Information Gateway, and a host of Federal and non-Federal partners. The guide provides resources for professionals and parents and includes information about protective factors that help reduce child maltreatment as well as tip sheets in both English and Spanish that can be used when working with families and communities. The NCAPM website has additional resources, research, and statistics on prevention.

We also support communities in their efforts all year long through the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) program. It was established to support efforts to develop, operate, expand, enhance, and coordinate initiatives, programs, resources, and activities to prevent child abuse and neglect on a local level.  The program also tries to foster understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of diverse populations to effectively prevent and treat child maltreatment.

Visit the National Child Abuse Prevention Month website to learn how you can help address child abuse and neglect.

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