HHS Task Force to Prevent and End Human Trafficking
HHS Task Force to Prevent and End Human Trafficking
Fact Sheet
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a critical role in the U.S. Government’s comprehensive response to prevent and (PDF)end human trafficking. HHS is a member of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF) and established an HHS task force in 2015 to further strengthen cross-departmental initiatives to support survivors of human trafficking and prevent modern slavery.
The HHS Task Force to Prevent and End Human Trafficking, represented by the heads of HHS operating and staff divisions, meets twice a year. The Task Force Policy Operating Group supports the Task Force through three committees and meets bi-monthly. The Administration for Children and Families serves as the Secretariat for the Task Force.
Assistant Secretary for Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH)
Agency Representatives (Division Heads)
Administration for Community Living Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality |
Assistant Secretary for Administration |
Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources |
Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs |
Assistant Secretary for Legislation |
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response |
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships Health Resources Services Administration Indian Health Service |
National Institutes of Health Office for Civil Rights |
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Surgeon General |
HHS Task Force Policy Operating Group
Katherine Chon, Director, Office on Trafficking in Persons (ACF)
Nancy Lee, MD, Director, Office on Women’s Health (OASH)
Research and Policy Committee
Victim Services Committee
Public Awareness and Prevention Committee
The HHS Task Force to Prevent and End Human Trafficking:
- Builds the capacity of HHS divisions and programs to prevent and respond to human trafficking through coordination and information sharing
- Initiates strategic opportunities to integrate human trafficking prevention and intervention through cross-division collaboration
- Leverages strengths, reach, and resources of health and human service divisions to directly benefit victims of human trafficking and inform anti-trafficking policies and practices
The Task Force builds on the successes of the HHS Human Trafficking Working Group, convened by the Administration for Children and Families and the Office on Women’s Health under the Assistant Secretary for Health from 2013 to 2015 to develop and implement the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services to Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States.
In support of these goals, the HHS Task Force to Prevent and End Human Trafficking will:
- Implement the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services to Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States and report on accomplishments to the PITF
- Build on the foundation of the Federal Strategic Action Plan by integrating anti trafficking responses into other relevant HHS plans to prevent human trafficking, including early intervention, demand reduction, and other violence prevention initiatives
- Expand on ideas to strengthen research and data collection on human trafficking, including development of a surveillance system to characterize the extent of persons affected, identify the social determinants of human trafficking and create a risk profile to aid in prevention
- Coordinate public engagement efforts in support of national awareness activities, including Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (January)
- Provide leadership and strategic direction to strengthen coordination and collaboration with federal, state, tribal, territorial, local, government and non-government stakeholders
- Identify opportunities to collaborate on budget and policy discussions that will enable efficient and impactful spending of available discretionary funds and anti-trafficking appropriations across relevant programs
- Build the capacity and network of medical, dental, mental health, social service, and other professionals available to provide long term care for victims of human trafficking
- PDF HHS Task Force Fact Sheet (526.59 KB)