The Children's Bureau has provided nine data tables in CSV ("Comma Separated Values") file format as an aid to researchers and others who would like to use the data from the Child Maltreatment 2014 report. The provided tables contain basic counts and demographic information that the Children's Bureau believes are of special interest to researchers. These materials are in the public domain and may be reproduced fully or partially without permission of the federal government. The courtesy of attribution is requested. Please note that these tables are a source for the Child Maltreatment 2014 report and if used in research the table name should be changed and we request that source of the data be noted. The recommended citation is provided below:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau. (2016). Child maltreatment 2014. Available from /cb/research-data-technology/statisti...
- CSV CM Table 2–1 Screened-in and Screened-out Referrals, 2014.csv (18.52 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 2–1 Screened-in and Screened-out Referrals, 2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.63 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 3–1 Children Who Received an Investigation or Alternative Response, 2010–2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.73 KB)
- CSV CM Table 3–2 Children Who Received an Investigation or Alternative Response by Disposition, 2014.csv (17.39 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 3–2 Children Who Received an Investigation or Alternative Response by Disposition, 2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.56 KB)
- CSV CM Table 3–3 Child Victims, 2010–2014.csv (31.07 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 3–3 Child Victims, 2010–2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.69 KB)
- CSV CM Table 3–4 Victims by Age, 2014.csv (131.39 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 3–4 Victims by Age, 2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.73 KB)
- CSV CM Table 4–1 Child Fatalities by Submission Type, 2014.csv (14.85 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 4–1 Child Fatalities by Submission Type, 2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.73 KB)
- CSV CM Table 4–2 Child Fatalities, 2010–2014.csv (12.85 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 4–2 Child Fatalities, 2010–2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.57 KB)
- CSV CM Table 5–1 Perpetrators, 2014.csv (2.61 KB)
- CSV CM Table 5–5 Perpetrators by Relationship to Their Victims, 2014.csv (47.26 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 5–5 Perpetrators by Relationship to Their Victims, 2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.45 KB)
- DOCX CM Table 5–1 Perpetrators, 2014 Data Definitions.docx (13.60 KB)
- CSV CM Table 3–1 Children Who Received an Investigation or Alternative Response, 2010–2014.csv (60.11 KB)