Program Description
The MaryLee Allen Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) program provides formula grants each year to states, territories and approximately 135-145 tribes. The purpose of this program is to prevent child maltreatment and the unnecessary separation of children from their families, improve the quality of care and services to children and their families, and ensure permanency for children by reuniting them with their parents, or by promoting adoption or another permanent living arrangement. Funding may be used to develop, establish, or expand, and to operate coordinated programs of community-based family support services, family preservation services, family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services.
The statute also reserves funding for other grants and activities, including Regional Partnership Grants (RPGs); state grants for caseworker visits; Court Improvement Program grants; evaluation, research, and technical assistance. In fiscal years (FYs) 2018 — 2024 the appropriations for PSSF also included funding to help title IV-E agencies develop, expand or evaluate kinship navigator programs.
Budget Information
The PSSF program receives both mandatory and discretionary appropriations.
FY 2024 Funding:
- $345 million (mandatory)
- $72.5 million (discretionary)
Program Highlights
These funds, along with the Child Welfare Services funds are a small but integral part of State social service systems for children and families who need assistance in order to keep their families together. These funds, often combined with State and local government as well as private funds, support the parenting and healthy marriage classes that increase relationship skills within the family, the home-visiting services for young parents with first babies and other family-based services, respite care for caregivers of children with special needs and numerous other unique and innovative programs and services that local communities rely on for at risk families.