Instructions for State Courts on Applying for State Court Improvement Program (CIP) Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024
This Program Instruction (PI) sets forth the eligibility requirements and grant application procedures for the State CIP grant for FY 2024, including updating the five-year strategic plan, and to provide guidance on the requirements for state courts to continuously assess and improve the handling of court proceedings related to child welfare and enhance collaboration with title IV-B/IV-E agencies and Tribes.
A: Application Cover Sheet
B: Self-Assessment Template
C: Change Management Questions
D: Strategic Plan Template
E: FY 2022 Allocations for the Court Improvement Program Grants
- PDF PI-23-03 (326.99 KB)
- DOCX PI-23-03 Attachment A (29.76 KB)
- DOCX PI-23-03 Attachment B (100.69 KB)
- PDF PI-23-03 Attachment C (423.80 KB)
- DOCX PI-23-03 Attachment D (56.72 KB)
- PDF PI-23-03 Attachment E (98.35 KB)