Guidance to tribes on actions required to complete and submit the (1) Final Report for FYs 2020-2024; (2) the new CFSP for FYs 2025- 2029; and (3) the CFS-101, Parts I, II, and III.
This Program Instruction (PI) provides guidance to Indian Tribes, Indian Tribal Organizations and Indian Tribal Consortia (hereafter “Tribes,” unless otherwise noted) on
actions they are required to take to receive their allotments authorized under title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2, and Chafee and ETV programs for Federal Fiscal Year (FY)2 2025 (subject to the availability of appropriations). This PI summarizes requirements for completing and submitting: (1) the Final Report for the 2020-2024 CFSP (2) the new 2025-2029 CFSP, and (3) the CFS-101, Parts I, II, and III.
Table of Contents
PI-24-03 (PDF)
For the best access to each attachment, please download and save them to your computer.
Attachment A
FY 2023 Allotment for Title IV-B, Subpart 1 Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services Grants
FY 2023 Allotment for Title IV-B, Subpart 2 Promoting Safe and Stable Families Grants
FY 2023 Allotment for Title IV-B, Subpart 2 Kinship Navigator Grants
FY 2023 Allotment for Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood Grants
FY 2023 Allotment for Education and Training Vouchers Grants
FY 2020 Allotment for Family First Prevention Services Act Transition Grants
Attachment B
CFS-101 Instructions, Part I, II, and III (PDF)
Part I: Annual Budget Request for Title IV-B, Subpart 1 & 2 Funds, CAPTA, Chafee, and ETV Instructions
Part II: Annual Estimated Expenditure Summary of Child and Family Services Instructions
Part III: Expenditures for Title IV-B, Subparts 1 and 2, Chafee Foster Care Independence (Chafee) and Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Programs Instructions
CFS-101 Forms, Parts I, II and III Excel Workbook (XLSX)
Attachment C:
Assurances and Certifications
Title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2 (PDF)
Chafee (PDF)
Attachment D
CB Regional Program Managers (PDF)
Attachment E
Tribal Training Plan (Optional) Template (DOCX)
Attachment F
Annual Reporting of Education and Training Vouchers Awarded (PDF)
Attachment G
Certification of Tribal Population Under Age 21 (DOCX)
Attachment H
Tribal CFSP (Optional) Template for FYs 2025-2029 (DOCX)