Direct Final Rule: 45 CFR Chapter III Technical Corrections
DATE: December 31, 2024
TO: State and Tribal IV-D Directors
SUBJECT: Direct Final Rule: 45 CFR Chapter III Technical Corrections
Dear Colleague:
This Direct Final Rule (DFR), published on December 31, 2024, in the Federal Register, Volume 89, Number 250, on page 107015 (PDF) is a conforming rule that provides technical updates to align Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Chapter III with the Federal Register notice that was published on June 5, 2023 (PDF), changing the office’s name from Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to Office of Child Support Services (OCSS). The DFR also makes technical updates to 45 CFR Chapter III part 309 Tribal IV-D program.
This DFR, effective on March 3, 2025, changes the name of the Child Support program in 45 CFR Chapter III, and all references in parts 301 — 310, from OCSE to OCSS.
This DFR also updates §309.130(a)(2) to reflect OCSS’s current process for making awards, and updates §§309.20(b), 309.130(a)(2), 309.130(b)(3), 309.135(d), and 309.170(b) to reflect current Tribal IV-D reporting on the OMB approved data collection forms and to allow Tribal IV-D program applications to be submitted electronically. Additionally, this DFR removes paragraphs one through four in §309.75(e) for alignment with the Elimination of the Tribal Non-Federal Share Requirement (PDF) final rule, published on February 12, 2024.
Tanguler Gray
Office of Child Support Services