Guidance for the Tribal Child Support Program Start-Up Application Process
DATE: March 11, 2024
TO: Tribal IV-D Directors, Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations, and Other Interested Individuals
SUBJECT: Guidance for the Tribal Child Support Program Start-Up Application Process
Start-Up Application Guidance (PDF)
Program Development Plan Work Aid (DOCX)
Tribal Child Support Program Overview PowerPoint (PPTX) or view the recording of the presentation
The Final Rule on the Tribal Child Support Enforcement program was published in the Federal Register (69 FR 16638 (PDF)) on March 30, 2004. The Rule implements section 455(f) of the Social Security Act and sets forth the required elements and related provisions for tribal child support programs (45 CFR part 309).
This guidance is for tribes and tribal organizations interested in operating a child support program.
In 2023, OCSS organized a workgroup of tribal child support directors to review proposed updates to IM-05-06, A Guide to the Tribal IV-D Start-Up Application Process. The instructions are now more concise and easier to follow. The guidance includes tools that help tribes and tribal organizations apply for funding.
The guidance contains:
- Start-Up Application Guidance (PDF)
An overview of the tribal child support program and information to consider when applying for funding - Program Development Plan Work Aid (DOCX)
A program development plan (PDP) describes the specific steps to comply with 45 CFR 309.65(a) . This work aid helps in preparing the PDP by offering key considerations for required elements and space to take notes. - Tribal Child Support Program Overview PowerPoint (PPTX)
An overview of the tribal child support program, including the history and requirements for operating a tribal child support program.
We hope this updated guidance provides useful information for all tribes and tribal organizations interested in applying for funding to operate a child support program.
Tanguler Gray
Office of Child Support Services