Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Enforcement Act
DATE: January 16, 2025
TO: State and Tribal IV-D Directors
SUBJECT: Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Enforcement Act
Dear Colleague:
Public Law 118-258 - Supporting America’s Children and Families Act was signed by President Biden on January 4, 2025. Section 202 of this law, titled the Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Enforcement Act, amends Section 6103(I) of the Internal Revenue Code to provide tribal IV-D programs with direct access to federal tax information (FTI). The legislation also formally authorizes state and tribal child support programs to disclose FTI to any agent under contract with such child support program for purposes of establishing and collecting child support obligations and locating individuals owing such obligations. Additionally, the Act amends section 464 of the Social Security Act to authorize tribal IV-D programs direct access to FTI to collect past-due child support from federal tax refund offsets.
OCSS will take appropriate steps and work with the IRS to implement the amended statute.
INQUIRIES: Contact your OCSS Regional Program Manager.
Tanguler Gray
Office of Child Support Services