Tribal Home Visiting Issue Briefs and Reports

Issue Brief Cover


The Tribal Home Visiting issue briefs focus on specific topics. They describe the background of the topic and include grantee practice examples and recommendations for action.  

Navigating Seasons of Change: Supporting the Mental Health and Well-Being of Families

This issue brief describes factors that impact the emotional well-being of families served by the Tribal Home Visiting program and highlights innovative approaches grant recipients use to provide hope in times of challenge.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Building Continuous Quality Improvement Capacity Using a Collaborative Learning Approach

This brief describes how Tribal Home Visiting grant recipients engaged in Continuous Quality Improvement Collaboratives to build CQI capacity and facilitate collaborative learning.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Purposefully Investing in the Tribal Home Visiting Workforce

This brief describes the current Tribal Home Visiting workforce and highlights innovative approaches Tribal Home Visiting grant recipients used in recent years to prioritize investments in their staff.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Precious Moments: Tribal Home Visiting Programs Support Families During Pregnancy and Postpartum

This brief describes how Tribal Home Visiting programs support AIAN families during pregnancy and postpartum, or the perinatal period.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Promoting Early Language and Literacy in Tribal Home Visiting Programs

This brief focuses on how home visiting programs can promote the development of early language and literacy skills, which are important aspects of child development. 

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Tribal Home Visiting: Stories of Resilience and Hope

This collection of stories examines various aspects of Tribal MIECHV programs from the perspectives of parents, home visitors, and other staff.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Holding the Gains: A Brief for Tribal Home Visiting Grantees

This brief describes how sustaining improvement builds on CQI efforts that are already underway, how teams know when to move from testing to implementing changes, and how to implement changes in a way that sustains the gains. 

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Meeting the Needs of Urban Indians Through Home Visiting

This brief summarizes the experiences and wisdom of seven Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (Tribal MIECHV, or Tribal Home Visiting) grant recipients serving urban Indians.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Strong Staff and Family Relationships: The Heart of Tribal Home Visiting Programs

This brief focuses on the importance of engagement and the innovative approaches that grant recipients are using to help families fully commit to participation in the program.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Culture, Collaboration, and Innovation: How Tribal Home Visiting Programs Are Working to Improve Outcomes for Children, Families, and Communities

The report describes the key findings and lessons learned from the first two cohorts of grant recipients based on their final grant reports.

Read the Report (PDF)

An Introduction to the Tribal Home Visiting Program

This report reflects information about the Tribal Home Visiting Program as it has been implemented with FY 2010-2015 funds. A new set of grants was awarded in 2016. 

Read the Report (PDF)

Empowering Families Through Tribal Home Visiting

This brief offers examples of promising strategies implemented by Tribal MIECHV grantees that keep home visiting focused on the curriculum while also empowering families to address their needs. 

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Cultural Enrichments, Enhancements, and Adaptations of Tribal Home Visiting Programs

 The brief discusses ways that grantees have approached cultural enrichment in the first five years of the Tribal MIECHV program.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

A Journey Toward Strong Programs and Thriving Families: The Story of Three Tribal Home Visiting Grantees

This brief tells the story of the transformational impact that Tribal MIECHV can have in communities.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)

Sustaining a Light of Hope for Families How Tribal Home Visiting Programs Persevere Despite COVID-19 Challenges

This brief discusses how three grant recipients and their staff are approached the COVID-19 pandemic with agility, adaptability, and innovation.

Read the Issue Brief (PDF)