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Estimated Basic Center Program funding allocations, by state and region, for Fiscal Year 2024.

Map of Family and Youth Services Bureau grantee programs.

FYSB has awarded grants in its three program areas. 

Estimated Basic Center Program funding allocations, by state and region, for Fiscal Year 2023.

Several of FYSB's APP grantees have submitted questions related to flexibilities in programming, data collection, and the use of federal awarded funds in light of the COVID-19 situation. To address APP grantees' specific programmatic questions and concerns, FYSB has provided responses to several frequently asked questions.  

These grants fund programs that promote proven and culturally appropriate methods for reducing adolescent pregnancy, delaying sexual activity among youths, and increasing condom use and other contraceptives among sexually active youth in native communities.

Through the State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), FYSB awards grants to State agencies to educate young people on both abstinence and contraception to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. The program targets youth ages 10—19 who are homeless, in foster care, live in rural areas or in geographic areas with high teen birth rates, or come from racial or ethnic minority groups. The program also supports pregnant and parenting youth.

This webinar, recorded August 20, 2020, features a live panel discussion on how to use data to measure social capital and build connections for vulnerable youth. 

List of Family Violence Prevention and Services Act State Administrators, updated in June 2020.

The Runaway and Homeless Youth Program is governed by Part 1351--Runaway and Homeless Youth Program of the Code of Federal Regulations.