State Exemplary Practices Projects Supported by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
FY 2010 CSBG T/TA Grant Summaries
Community Services Block Grant Training and Technical Assistance Program
State Exemplary Practices Projects Supported by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Project Period: 9-30-2010 through 9-30-2011
The Office of Community Services (OCS), within the Administration for Children and Families, will fund 13 one-year cooperative agreements under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Program for State Exemplary Practice Projects (EPPs) supported by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The State EPPs will document exemplary practice models focused on:
1) Job Creation and Green Jobs; 2) Benefits Enrollment Coordination; and/or 3) Community Economic Development.
A secondary purpose of the State EPPs is to assist States in providing guidance to CSBG-eligible entities that need or desire to enhance current community service programs. Successful grantees will work in partnership with the OCS, the State CSBG Lead Agency, CSBG-eligible entities, and leading national organizations associated with the CSBG program.
The following organizations are listed by State Exemplary Practices Projects focus area. Read the Project Summary for this grant by clicking on the name of the organization
Jobs Creation and/or Green Jobs
- New York State Community Action Association, Inc.
- Nevada Community Action Association
- Missouri Association for Community Action, Inc.
Benefits Enrollment Coordination
- Massachusetts Association for Community Action
- Michigan Community Action Agency Association
- Maine Community Action Association
- Minnesota Community Action Partnership
- Connecticut Association for Community Action
- Ohio Community Action Training Organization
Community Economic Development
- California/Nevada Community Action Partnership
- New York State Community Action Association, Inc.
- Central Vermont Community Action Council, Inc
- Virginia Community Action Partnership
Jobs Creation & Green Jobs, Benefits Enrollment and Community Economic Development
- South Carolina Association of Community Action Partners
Community Services Block Grant Training and Technical Assistance Program
National Risk Mitigation and Quality Improvement
Training and Technical Assistance Center
Project Period: 9-30-2010 through 9-30-2011
The Office of Community Services (OCS), within the Administration for Children and Families, will fund one award under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Program fora National Risk Mitigation and Quality Improvement Training and Technical Assistance Center. This three-year cooperative agreement will fund one National Risk Mitigation and Quality Improvement Center to provide training and technical assistance to State-governments and Community Services Block Grant-eligible entities.
The primary mission of the Center is to support the National Training and Technical Assistance Strategy for Promoting Exemplary Practices and Risk Mitigation, which is designed to stimulate and strengthen accountability within the CSBG program.
The core functions of the National Risk Mitigation and Quality Improvement Training and Technical Assistance Center are:
- Training and Continuing Education Coordination;
- Training Curricula and Resource Development;
- Training and Technical Assistance Tracking System Development;
- Region-Specific Training and Technical Assistance Coordination; and
- Information Dissemination.
The goals of this project are to create a national resource center that identifies local and regional individuals, and organizations with relevant expertise in Training and Technical Assistance focused on risk mitigation, quality improvement support and capacity development and refers CSBG State Lead Agencies and CSBG-eligible entities to these resources.
The following organization is the recipient of the National Risk Mitigation and Quality Improvement Training and Technical Assistance Center grant:
- DC Community Action Partnership — The National Association
Read the Project Summary for this grant by clicking on the name of the organization.
Community Services Block Grant Training and Technical Assistance Program
Strengthening the Capacity and Ability of CSBG-Eligible Entities
to Address Legal Issues
Project Period: 9-30-2010 through 9-30-2011
The Office of Community Services (OCS), within the Administration for Children and Families, will fund one award under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Program for Strengthening the Capacity and Ability of CSBG-Eligible Entities to Address Legal Issues.
This two-year cooperative agreement will fund a National Training and Technical Assistance Strategy designed for CSBG-eligible entities to help address legal issues in three major focus areas:
- Organizational stabilization and support for CSBG-eligible entities experiencing significant fiscal or organizational challenges;
- Capacity-building to enhance knowledge and understanding of CSBG requirements, and the ability to address changing legal and regulatory issues affecting CSBG-eligible entities in the Community Action Network; and
- Promotion of exemplary legal practices and policies related to legal services that help promote innovation, accountability, and responsiveness to specific community needs related to the reduction of poverty, the revitalization of low-income communities, and the empowerment of low-income families and individuals in rural and urban areas to become fully self-sufficient.
This grant will support a two-year effort in the CSBG program to create an enhanced nationwide training strategy for strengthening the ability of CSBG- Eligible Entities to deal with legal issues, especially those shown to affect the operating procedures and service outcomes of agencies funded under the CSBG program.
The following organization is the recipient of the Strengthening the Capacity and Ability of CSBG-Eligible Entities to Address Legal Issues grant:
- MA Community Action Program Legal Services, Inc.
Read the Project Summary for this grant by clicking on the name of the organization
Community Services Block Grant Training and Technical Assistance Program
National Training for Financial Management and Administrative Governance
Project Period: 9-30-2010 through 9-30-2011
The Office of Community Services (OCS), within the Administration for Children and Families, will fund one award under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Program for National Training for Financial Management and Administrative Governance.
This two-year cooperative agreement will support a National Technical Assistance Strategy to address four areas:
- Organizational stabilization and support for CSBG-eligible entities experiencing significant fiscal or organizational challenges;
- Capacity-building to ensure ongoing high quality program management among eligible entities adapting to changing community needs;
- Promotion of exemplary financial management and administrative governance practices and policies by identifying and disseminating innovative service approaches and models that have been successfully self-sufficient; and
- Knowledge management and sustainability guidance, activities and resources to assist CSBG- eligible entities with integrating and maintaining innovative service approaches and models applicable to the organization’s needs for the reduction of poverty and revitalization of low-income communities and empowerment of low-income families and individuals in rural and urban areas to become self-sufficient.
These program funds will be used to help CSBG-eligible entities build their capacity to understand, manage, and address fiscal and administrative issues. CSBG-eligible entities will enhance their ability to implement innovative services approaches and models that have been successful in addressing specific community needs related to the reduction of poverty and achievement of self-sufficiency.
The following organizations are recipients of the National Training for Financial Management and Administrative Governance grant:
- IA Meliora Partners, Inc.
- MA Community Action Program Legal Services, Inc.
Read the Project Summary for the grant by clicking on the name of the organization.
Community Services Block Grant Training and Technical Assistance Program
State Performance Management Clearinghouse
Project Period: 9-30-2010 through 9-30-2011
The Office of Community Services (OCS), within the Administration for Children and Families, will fund one award under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Program for a State Performance Management Clearinghouse.
This three-year cooperative agreement will fund one CSBG State Performance Management Clearinghouse to serve as the central gateway to information and resources, including research and evaluation products that promote evidence-based exemplary practices.
The core functions of the State Performance Management Clearinghouse are: website development and maintenance; information collection and resource management; custom training and technical assistance services and referrals; and information dissemination.
The State Performance Management Clearinghouse will focus on five areas:
- Employment-related services;
- Asset Development;
- Administrative, Program, and Financial Operations;
- Community Economic Development; and
- Risk Mitigation and Assessment.
The State Performance Management Clearinghouse will be a repository and distribution center and operate a website that will serve as an on-line library of resources on the five focus areas.
The following organization is the recipient of the State Performance Clearinghouse grant:
- DC National Association for State Community Services Programs
Read the Project Summary for the grant by clicking on the name of the organization.
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