CSBG Annual Report Statistical Report FY 2007

Highlights Community Services Block Grant Information System (CSBG/IS) Statistical Report, FY 2007

Publication Date: August 29, 2012
Current as of:


Community Services Block Grant Information System (CSBG/IS)
Statistical Report, FY 2007


FY 2007 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Network Resources

In the FY 2007 CSBG/Information System Survey, 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia reported that:

A network of 1,070 CSBG eligible entities, of which 87% were Community Action Agencies (CAAs), was active in 99% of U.S. counties;
The local CSBG network’s funding from all sources totaled over $11.2 billion;
More than $578 million from CSBG supported the core activities of the state and local CSBG networks;

Every CSBG dollar was matched by ◊ $18.40 from federal, state, local, and private sources;
Every CSBG dollar was matched by ◊ $5.59 from state, local, and private sources combined;
Including the value of volunteer hours, this figure rises to ◊ $6.05; and

Volunteers provided more than 45.3 million hours of support, the equivalent of 21,784 full-time employees’ annual labor. If valued at only the federal minimum wage ($5.85/hour), the volunteers’ time was worth $265.1 million. If valued at the Independent Sector wage, which adjusts for skill levels of non-profit volunteers ($19.51/hour), the volunteers’ time was worth $884 million.

FY 2007 CSBG Program Participants

CSBG eligible entities provided services to:

More than 16.2 million individuals in more than 6.4 million low-income families—equal to 20% of all people in poverty in 2007;
More than 3 million families with incomes at or below the HHS Poverty Guideline;
Nearly 1.4 million families in “severe poverty,” with incomes below 50% of the Poverty Guideline;
More than 1.7 million “working poor” families relying on wages or unemployment insurance;
Over 1.2 million families in which at least one family member was a retired worker;
More than 384,000 families receiving TANF—equal to 23% of all TANF families nationwide; and
More than 1.3 million families headed by single mothers.

CSBG eligible entities’ programs served:

Nearly 3.8 million children;
Over 1.7 million adults who had not completed high school;
Nearly 1.3 million people with disabilities; and
Almost 2.7 million individuals who lacked health insurance.



Community Services Block Grant Statistical Report
National Association for State Community Services Programs
