The overall goal of this year’s Head Start University Partnerships research grant program is to contribute to the knowledge base regarding the role that Head Start can play in promoting family well-being, including health, safety, financial security, and school readiness. Projects are led by researchers working in partnership with one or more Head Start programs. Together, they will implement and evaluate promising dual-generation approaches, which combine intensive, high-quality, child-focused programs with intensive, high-quality, adult-focused services to support both parent well-being and children’s school readiness, within the context of Head Start. Each grantee will conduct an implementation study and evaluate the effectiveness of the selected intervention or model using the most rigorous research designs, methods, and analytic techniques that are appropriate and sufficient to address the research questions of interest. Results of these studies are expected to provide valuable information that can help guide programs in their decisions regarding strategies for improving parent well-being in ways that will ultimately result in positive child outcomes.
The point of contact is Kathleen Dwyer.