The Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM) evaluation was launched in 2003 to test the effectiveness of a voluntary, skills-based relationship education program designed to help low-income married couples strengthen their relationships and, in turn, to support more stable and more nurturing home environments and more positive outcomes for parents and their children. The evaluation is led by MDRC, in collaboration with Abt Associates and other partners, and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This Technical Supplement is a companion report to the SHM evaluation’s 12-month impact report. This supplement provides additional details about the study’s research design, data sources, methods used to construct the outcome and subgroup measures, and analytic approach for the 12-month impact analysis. It also presents a series of sensitivity and robustness tests of the impact estimates presented in the impact report. Lastly, it presents the full set of impact results generated when the data are combined across local SHM programs and when the impact results are estimated separately by local SHM program or by subgroup.